Friday, May 6, 2011


  • metal plated with a hard, very shiny, silver surface
  • part of a fishing reel; it can be tightened or loosened to control a fish
  • to pierce with a sharp object
  • a bait
  • dominated by
6.poddy mullet(noun)
  • very small, young fish not big enough to eat
  • a deposit shaped like an icicle hanging from the roof of a cave 

           This story book tells us we need to doing something patiently,especially fishing.Doing some work patiently may get good result in the end.  

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Tempest

(i) affairs(noun)
  • anything done or to be done; anything requiring action or effort 
  • row
  • a long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat.   
  • to guide the course of (something in motion) by a rudder
  • overpowering wonder or surprise; amazement 
  • to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness
  • This is the story about Duke of Milan, Prospero was framed by his brother, Antonio and came to an island with many fairies after the heavily storm. His daughter, Miranda and Prospero lived on the island about 12 years before he went back to Milan.  


Friday, March 25, 2011

13th April 2011 

A.Comprehension (20%)
(5 Subjective Questions)
B.Vocabulary (20%)
(Top 1 Standard: Unit 3 --pg32&33)
C.Literature Component (20%)
(Poem: 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes' -- 5 True/False Statements
5 Subjective Questions)
D.Verb Forms (10%)
1. The Simple: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
2. The Continuous: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
3. The Prefect: Past, Present
4. The Perfect Continuous: Past, Present
5. The Conditionals
6. Gerund
7. The Infinitives: Bare, To-infinitive
E.Formation of Words (10%)
Practice Session 5 & 7
F.Rewriting Sentences (10%)
Exercise B
G.Grammar (10%)
1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Top 1: pg16-17)
2. Prepositions (Top 1: pg61-62)
3. Subject and Verb Agreement

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The teacher I love the most

       The best teacher that i ever met is in Priamry Three.She is a young and beautiful teacher. She very care about her student and never punish or cane the student that did not bring their homework. She will help the student that can't catch up their homework and teach them patiently. I love this teacher very much since she  teaches me only 1 year.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unit 3 Vocabulary

1.imperative-(adj)very important and needing immediate attention or action
It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.

2.spirited-(noun)courage,determination or energy
You must try and keep your spirits up.

3.exhilaration-(noun)to make somebody feel very happy and excited
The exhilaration of performing on stage.

4.enclosures-(noun)a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall and is used for a particular purpose
The wildlife enclosure is being guarded by the guard.

5.texture-(noun)the way a surface,substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rough, smooth, hard or soft it is
She uses a variety of different colours and textures in her wall hangings.

6.crucial-(adj)extremely important
Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company.

7.disabilities-(noun)a physical or mental condotion that means you cannot use a part of your body completely or easilly
 He had suffered a mental disability after his mother die in an accident.

8.dyslexic-(adj)a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and spelling
He is a dyslexic.

9.ebdeavours-(noun)an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult
Please make every endeavour to arrive on time.

10.fidgety-(adj)unable to remain still or quiet
The teacher scolded the student stop fidgety.

11.imparting-(verb)to give a particular quality to something
The spice is imparted in the dish.

12.implore-(verb)to ask somebody to do something in an anxious way because you want or need it very much
She implored him to stay.

13.pursuing-(verb)to do something or try to achieve something over a period of time
She is pursuing to start a new business.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mr Midnight The Beam of Doom

(1)New Words:

1.riotous  (adj)
(i)(of an act) characterized by or of the nature of rioting or a disturbance of the peace.
(ii)(of a person) inciting or taking part in a riot.
(iii)given to or marked by unrestrained revelry; loose; wanton 
2.hapless  (adj)
(i)unlucky; luckless; unfortunate
3.crust  (noun)
(i)the brown, hard outer portion or surface of a loaf or slice of bread
(ii)the outer layer of the earth
(iii)the hard outer shell or covering of an animal.
(iv)a scab or eschar
(v)any more or less hard external covering or coating
4.immense  (adj)

(i)vast; huge; very great: an immense territory.  
(ii)immeasurable; boundless.  
(iii)Informal . splendid
5.devastating  (adj)
(i)tending or threatening
6.craggy  (adj)
(i)rugged; harsh; rough
(i)Nowadays, ships' captains have radar, sonar, and satelite navigation to tell them where they are.
(ii)In this day and age, the remaining lighthouses are mainly of use to small fishing vessels and yatchs.
(iii)Cold perspiration broke out on my forehead.

(iv)Ocean let out a sharp gasp.

(v)My guts froze.

(vi)It was a deadly evil thing.

(vii)Lightning forked across the heavens.

(viii)I didn't look back.

(ix)As they vanished into the night, the headland rumbled beneath our feet.

(x)A cluster of shadowy shapes had risen from the ground and was advancing towards us.

The outline

On a school trip to the USA, Keene Ngan is living up to his nickname: the Master of Disaster. First his canoe, with all his friends on board, is swept out to sea. Then he finds himself in a haunted lighthouse where the beam of doom shines on death.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goosebump-The revenge of The Live Dummy

(1)New Words:

the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.
a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
the act of reciting such a formula.
a profane oath; curse word.
an evil that has been invoked upon one.
–verb (used with object)
to wish or invoke evil, calamity, injury, or destruction upon.
to afflict with great evil.
to excommunicate.
–verb (used without object)
to utter curses; swear profanely
intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror.
an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers.
any period of frightful violence or bloodshed likened to the Reign of Terror in France.
violence or threats of violence used for intimidation or coercion; terrorism.
Informal . a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant.
–verb (used with object) 4.gleam(verb,noun)
a flash or beam of light: the gleam of a lantern in the dark.
a dim or subdued light.
a brief or slight manifestation or occurrence; trace: a gleam of hope.
–verb (used without object)
to send forth a gleam or gleams.
to appear suddenly and clearly like a flash of light.
–verb (used with object)
to attack or assail with repeated blows or with missiles.
to throw (missiles).
to drive by blows or missiles: The child pelted the cows home from the fields.
to assail vigorously with words, questions, etc.
to beat or rush against with repeated forceful blows: The wind and rain pelted the roofs and walls of the houses for four days.
–verb (used without object)
to strike blows; beat with force or violence.
to throw missiles.
to hurry.
to beat or pound unrelentingly: The wind, rain, and snow pelted against the castle walls.
to cast abuse.
the act of pelting.
a vigorous stroke; whack.
a blow with something thrown.
an unrelenting or repeated beating, as of rain or wind.
(2)The outline and my impression
  This storybook is telling us about Britney's cousin, Ethan is going to come Britney house because Ethan's family are going for a vacation. When Ethan reach Britney's house, he brought a evil ventriloquist's dummy with him called, Mr.Badboy. Britney found out that the dummy with Ethan is alive and they tried to bury it.Can they buried the dummy before the dummy do any serious damage on them...?
  After watching this storybook, I think this is a good storybook because it is very exciting. I wish i could borrow a nice storybook same as this storybook.

to wet thoroughly; soak.
to saturate by immersion in a liquid; steep.
to cover or fill completely; bathe: trees drenched with sunlight.
something that drenches: a drench of rain.
a preparation for drenching or steeping.
a solution, especially one of fermenting bran, for drenching hides or skins.