Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goosebump-The revenge of The Live Dummy

(1)New Words:

the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.
a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
the act of reciting such a formula.
a profane oath; curse word.
an evil that has been invoked upon one.
–verb (used with object)
to wish or invoke evil, calamity, injury, or destruction upon.
to afflict with great evil.
to excommunicate.
–verb (used without object)
to utter curses; swear profanely
intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror.
an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers.
any period of frightful violence or bloodshed likened to the Reign of Terror in France.
violence or threats of violence used for intimidation or coercion; terrorism.
Informal . a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant.
–verb (used with object) 4.gleam(verb,noun)
a flash or beam of light: the gleam of a lantern in the dark.
a dim or subdued light.
a brief or slight manifestation or occurrence; trace: a gleam of hope.
–verb (used without object)
to send forth a gleam or gleams.
to appear suddenly and clearly like a flash of light.
–verb (used with object)
to attack or assail with repeated blows or with missiles.
to throw (missiles).
to drive by blows or missiles: The child pelted the cows home from the fields.
to assail vigorously with words, questions, etc.
to beat or rush against with repeated forceful blows: The wind and rain pelted the roofs and walls of the houses for four days.
–verb (used without object)
to strike blows; beat with force or violence.
to throw missiles.
to hurry.
to beat or pound unrelentingly: The wind, rain, and snow pelted against the castle walls.
to cast abuse.
the act of pelting.
a vigorous stroke; whack.
a blow with something thrown.
an unrelenting or repeated beating, as of rain or wind.
(2)The outline and my impression
  This storybook is telling us about Britney's cousin, Ethan is going to come Britney house because Ethan's family are going for a vacation. When Ethan reach Britney's house, he brought a evil ventriloquist's dummy with him called, Mr.Badboy. Britney found out that the dummy with Ethan is alive and they tried to bury it.Can they buried the dummy before the dummy do any serious damage on them...?
  After watching this storybook, I think this is a good storybook because it is very exciting. I wish i could borrow a nice storybook same as this storybook.

to wet thoroughly; soak.
to saturate by immersion in a liquid; steep.
to cover or fill completely; bathe: trees drenched with sunlight.
something that drenches: a drench of rain.
a preparation for drenching or steeping.
a solution, especially one of fermenting bran, for drenching hides or skins.

1 comment:

  1. ur vocab is hard to see~
    i suggest u to change your word font~
